Our Mission:

RHEDI is a community action group committed to addressing inequities while amplifying and supporting marginalized communities and the solutions they seek.

Within Red Hook, our projects are about equity and promoting cultural and institutional changes. We craft flexible, creative and scalable projects to encourage community participation and enthusiasm while advocating for antiracist reform on institutional and municipal levels. 

Building our membership and relationships regionally at the speed of trust, RHEDI members know we will make mistakes in this work; we accept responsibility beyond our intentions. Collectively and individually, RHEDI is committed to listening and learning in order to offer genuine apologies before we try again. Learning from our mistakes is fundamental to our growth.

RHEDI exists to serve a future in which Red Hook and communities throughout the Hudson Valley confront inequity and racism collaboratively because accountability and action are shared values. What that service consists of will change over time as both RHEDI and the communities’ needs shift and evolve.